The Katana Project

It's Friday night, I am relaxing at home with a full weekend ahead and no set plans for Saturday....and THEN....I get a gram message from local legend KCDC basically telling me how I will spend my Saturday.  At first I just glanced over the text thinking it was just a rant or something until I saw the word NAGASAWA. Hmmm, what could this be?  It turned out that Sayaka-san from Giracha had messaged and invited him to the launch party for The Katana Project: Look Ma No Brakes II. The project is a collaboration initiated by LaCarrera Cycles that brings together the legendary frame builder Nagasawa-san, and the creative vision of famed artists Futura, Stash and Rcade. Fast forward to Saturday and we are riding somewhere in south Osaka trying to find KashimaxSaddle Company, the site of the launch party.  The night was a bit surreal, as there I was standing and talking with Nagasawa-san while watching Futura do some live painting on a bike. I sure hope next Friday’s gram messages bring more of the same!


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